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The ACA Certificate level Law exam is usually sat toward the later stages of the Certificate level. This exam teaches candidates the basics of English law in the context of business and accounting. 

I would say that out of all 15 ACA exams, this is the most irrelevant exam in terms of how the content is likely to impact your day-to-day work. It should also be noted that this exam is not really built on or tested further in the later stages of the ACA, meaning most of the content can be forgotten as soon as you pass the exam. 

Overview of ACA Law Exam

The impact of civil law on business and professional services35%
Company and insolvency law40%
The impact of criminal law on business and professional services10%
The impact of law in the professional context15%

Method of assessment

The Law exam itself is 1.5 hours and given it forms part of the Certificate level, it can be sat at any time. As such, in the exam you will be set random questions from a question pool and so you will not be answering the same questions as many of your peers. 

The exam consists of 50 multiple choice questions, meaning each question is worth 2 marks each.

How to pass ACA Law Exam

My biggest tip for this exam would be to really get to grips with English contract law. Like most people sitting the exam, this was my first time studying law and really understanding contract law was, in my opinion, a real game changer for passing this exam. 

In addition, you will find that the different multiple choice answers are very similar to each other. It might sound like stupid advise but make the time to READ EACH ANSWER very carefully. 


How hard is the ACA Law Exam?

Though the content in this exam is new for most people, I  would say that this is one of  the easier exams out of all 15 ACA exams. This is backed up by actual pass rates, with this exam having the highest pass rate. 

However, don’t take it lightly. From my experience, it was often the people that scored very highly in the ‘harder’ exams that ended up failing Law, so give it adequate time and effort. 

I would give this exam a 2 out of 5 for difficulty. 

The pass rate for this exam is 90.80%

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